latest release with Hans on drums


SOPHE - Hey, Calm Down
SOPHE - Hey, Calm Down

Hans Otto Piano Trio - Live in Kalbe

Kaiser New World - Nightrain 2023
Kaiser New World - Nightrain 2023
SOPHE - Restore 2022
SOPHE - Restore 2022
Otto/Szabo/Espinoza - Time Collapsed Screenshots 2022
Otto/Szabo/Espinoza - Time Collapsed Screenshots 2022
Asthma Choir - Spent my live in sugar town 2021
Asthma Choir - Spent my live in sugar town 2021

Paul Lapp Forum - Forum II 2020
Paul Lapp Forum - Forum II 2020
Ottomann Empire - Live@Telegraph 2017
Ottomann Empire - Live@Telegraph 2017
Kid the moon live 2019
Kid the moon live 2019
Welcome inside the brain - Queen of the day flies 2019
Welcome inside the brain - Queen of the day flies 2019
Sound Cabinet - Das Halbe Leben
Sound Cabinet - Das Halbe Leben
Paul Lapp Forum - Forum
Paul Lapp Forum - Forum
Breitanbach/Kögel/Lucaciu/Otto Live@NBL 2019
Breitanbach/Kögel/Lucaciu/Otto Live@NBL 2019
FlexKögel - America
FlexKögel - America

Welcome inside the brain - Celebrate the depression 2017
Welcome inside the brain - Celebrate the depression 2017
Lumat - Lumat
Lumat - Lumat
Felix Franzke Trio - Gonzales
Felix Franzke Trio - Gonzales
KMO - Live@ Donau115
KMO - Live@ Donau115

Lily and the rats - the rat EP
Lily and the rats - the rat EP
Ben Hadschi Quinett - Sultaninen und Brokat
Ben Hadschi Quinett - Sultaninen und Brokat
Flambeau - Let's take a walk
Flambeau - Let's take a walk
Albrecht Ernst Quartett - A night with Harry / The Songs of Harry Connick Jr
Albrecht Ernst Quartett - A night with Harry / The Songs of Harry Connick Jr
Welcome inside the brain - EP
Welcome inside the brain - EP
Killerfuchs - Baumwesen
Killerfuchs - Baumwesen
Hippie Langsrumpf - Hippie Langstrumpf (Welcome inside the brain)
Hippie Langsrumpf - Hippie Langstrumpf (Welcome inside the brain)
Gewöhnliche Menschen - Das Fleisch
Gewöhnliche Menschen - Das Fleisch
A golden pony boy - Fame to the fameless
A golden pony boy - Fame to the fameless